Dotted Seahorse on Canvas


Adapted from a design by Andy Jones with Plaid Enterprises - Let’s Paint With Plaid on Facebook, August 2021

Teacher: Karen Wiseman

Surface:  Canvas bag (Zippered pouch) from Hobby Lobby, 10 1/2” x 9 1/4”

Cost: $18

Workshop Date: Jan. 18 after meeting

Deadline to Sign Up: Jan 4

Teacher is providing: Canvas bag, SoSoft fabric paints and SoSoft fabric medium, black IdentiPen, pattern, photo and instructions, pattern traced onto Pellon interfacing

ZOOM: This workshop will be done on Zoom but will not be recorded. Students will need to contact Cindy Moore to have the option to Zoom by January 11th. Students will need to provide there own supplies. If you want the canvas pouch and interfacing there will be an additional charge of $2.00 plus shipping. Total of $10.00 (Class Fee $8.00 and $2.00)

Students Need to Provide:

Brushes: Stiff brushes for fabric painting. I like the Princeton Select Lunar Blenders in sizes 1/4”, 1/2”. You can also use stiff filberts, flat or angle shaders, 1/4” and 1/2”.

Dry palette

Small container to hold fabric medium

Sheet of tracing paper (to protect original paper pattern)

Masking tape (Painter’s tape may not hold well enough on fabric)

Water basin

Paper towels

Battery operated light as lighting in the senior center isn’t the best